Lost in Translation


I guess I had challenged myself to reach the destination without paying 5o Euros to a taxi driver.  I don’t think I did too badly as somehow I reached the hotel, hot sweaty, grateful to have found it.  However, I wasn’t entirely sure whether we had somehow been duped.  Having shown the ticket man my itinerary, he ushered me to wait on the platform with the other unassuming group of travellers.  There was at least one young woman who looked equally baffled.

Another man eventually arrived 15 minutes later, and we were told to follow him. Strange as it was as I was expecting to board the train that I was now walking away from.  All seven of us followed him out to a car park.  The ‘shuttlebus’ turned out to be a driver who led seven strangers into a people carrier.  Despite not being advised to put on a seat belt, I quickly scrounged for mine, once we accelerated into Italy’s top speed of 100 miles per hour.  There were many moments of doubt.  I was after all in a car full of strangers, trusting he would take us to where I needed to be.  15 Euros landed me near another of Rome’s terminals, and from there I asked a number of people where the number 64 bus might be.

Another humid journey in. I pestered the unamused driver who despite looking disgruntled that I had made no effort to speak a word of Italian dropped me closer to the hotel.  I had made it!20150725_123557

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